Clinical Oral Microbiology

Aim and background

Microorganisms in the oral cavity have a direct and indirect causation with diseases in the oral and craniofacial area as well as systemic diseases. Currently, attention is given to the significance of a normal and healthy microbiome, and both pre- and probiotics have the potential for supporting the prevention of oral diseases. It is therefore relevant to expand the collaborations that focus on prevention as well as new clinical treatment methods.

Research focus and themes

A dysbiotic interaction between the oral microbiota and the host plays a decisive part for the disease development in the dental tissue and the periodontium. This suggests that there is need for further focus on mechanisms and interaction between oral microorganisms and tissue response, so that we are better equipped to prevent, diagnose, and treat oral disease with an advantageous effect on the general health. This is emphasized by collaborations with other scientific disciplines and sectors, nationally and internationally.

 Furthermore, work is dedicated to establishing multispecies biofilm models that may support the research in basic microbiological mechanisms and interactions with hard and soft tissues.

Focus is also given to intervention research with the aim of developing and testing new diagnostic methods and treatment principles. For this purpose we use molecular biological, culture-based, and clinical as well as paraclinical examination methods. The vision is to limit the prevalence of oral diseases caused by microbiological dysbiosis.

Head of Research Section

Associate Professor Merete Markvart