Non-invasive restorative treatment of worn teeth

Research output: Contribution to journalConference abstract in journalCommunication

Currently, wear of teeth due to erosion and attrition seems to be a growing problem for both young and old, and spans from localized anterior wear to a more general condition involving the entire dentition. Non-physiological and pathological wear may require restorative treatment out of concern for biological perspectives, though most often to accommodate a patient’s aesthetic needs. These kinds of treatment have often involved extensive prosthetic reconstructions with immense implications for the pulp, the marginal periodontium and not least for the patient’s economy. Today, adhesive technology has allowed for restorative solutions that, following non-invasive additive principals, may be adapted to the teeth’s and the individual patient’s need. Based on European consensus regarding treatment of dental wear (Loomans B et al., J Adhes Dent 2017,), the lecture will focus on when restorative treatment of dental wear is indicated. Functional and aesthetic needs of the patient will be estimated in comparison with the biological and economic consequences that are involved in the treatment. Different methods for treatment with and without increasing the vertical dimension of occlusion and orthodontic pre-treatment will be reviewed. Focus will be given to reconstructions where non-invasive adhesive treatment with direct resin materials and, in some cases, ceramic laminate veneers is used. The lecture will be based on clinical cases supported by scientific literature. A discussion of what can be expected with regards to longevity of treatments using different non-invasive strategies will be given as well as a recommendation of measures to optimize the longevity.
Original languageEnglish
JournalCED-IADR/NOF Oral Health Research Congress, 2019, Madrid, Spain, Abstract Book
Publication statusPublished - 2019
EventCED-IADR/NOF Oral Health Congress - Melia Castilla Hotel and Convention Center, Madrid, Spain
Duration: 19 Sep 201921 Sep 2019


ConferenceCED-IADR/NOF Oral Health Congress
LocationMelia Castilla Hotel and Convention Center
Internet address

ID: 231251569