Community Dentistry

In Community Dentistry odontology is approached from a social and society-related viewpoint. We take a general view at dental health care, present a broad knowledge of odontology and focus on interdisciplinary collaborations. Our aim is to make a difference for patients and society.


The teaching in community dentistry takes a scientific and a clinical approach to the subject. The students are instructed in a scientific mindset, including evidence-based dental health care, research methods, and understanding of scientific literature. This knowledge serves as an entry to other subjects such as social inequality in dental health care, dental health care systems, dental health care legislation, communication, and decision-making. The teaching also includes internships in community dental health care service and in private practise.


Our research is based on purposefulness, and we are not limited by specific fields or methods. We take advantage of our diverse network and skills to contribute to social and society-relevant research that focuses, e.g., on disadvantaged groups, dental health care systems, health economy, and quality of life. We focus on intervention research, but also perform descriptive population studies. We use qualitative and quantitative approaches, including registers and questionnaires.

Course director/contact

Associate Professor Esben Boeskov Øzhayat

Associate Professor Kasper Rosing