Oral Surgery

The research area Oral Surgery comprises diagnostics and treatment of surgical diseases in the maxillofacial area.

The research area is responsible for the basic surgical training of undergraduate dental students within and must contribute to development and research within the of oral and maxillofacial surgery.


The theoretical and practical education of dental students in oral surgery takes place during the last two years of the dental education.

The primary focus is on treatment planning based on a thorough medical history and clinical examination taking the general health status of the patient into consideration.

The primary aim of the surgical education is to provide the dental students with a broad-based theoretical knowledge of indications and treatment options within the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery and to train basic practical surgical skills.

The main part of the surgical education comprises practical exercises where the dental students under supervision evaluate, plan and execute simple dento-alveolar surgical procedures like dental extractions and surgical removal of wisdom teeth.


The current research activity within the research area Oral Surgery takes place in close collaboration with the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Copenhagen University Hospital and other research areas at the Department of Odontology and comprises:

  • Dental implant therapy in patients with a compromised healing potential, with congenital missing teeth and after traumatic dental injury
  • Prognostic factors in dento-alveolar surgery
  • Evaluation of biomaterials for bone regeneration procedures
  • Severe odontogenic infections leading to hospitalization

Course director/contact

Professor Simon Storgård Jensen