Oral Pathology and Medicine

The subject area includes Oral Pathology and Medicine and Oral Anatomy.

Clinical activities of the disciplines include diagnostics and non-surgical treatment of conditions and diseases of the oral mucosa and salivary glands, including taste disturbances.

The patients are recruited partly from the department's own patient base, partly from dentists, doctors, specialists and hospital departments in the Copenhagen area and the rest of the country.

The aim of the research and teaching is to improve the health of the oral cavity, focusing on normal function as well as improved prevention, detection, diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases and their sequelae. Certain of these diseases may also have occurred as part of a general illness and / or its treatment.


The subject areas conduct research-based teaching of dental students, including the practice of clinical skills. The teaching is given in the subject areas: general and oral anatomy, oral structure and function, oral pathology, and oral medicine.


Research in the disciplines focuses especially on certain oral mucosal and salivary gland diseases, including dry mouth, adverse drug reactions, oral cancer and its precursors, as well as oral yeast infections.

The subject areas perform histopathological diagnostics in the form of microscopy of tissue samples and surgical specimens from patients in the department's other subject areas. In addition, the department regularly receives consultation samples from pathology departments across the country.

Course director/contact

Professor Anne Marie Lynge Pedersen