Oral Rehabilitation

Oral Rehabilitation focuses on diagnostics, treatment planning and restoration of larger teeth defects, lack of or loss of teeth and supporting tissue and on patients’ response to rehabilitating treatment. The subject area analyses and discusses whether dental replacements should be used and how the individual patient can best obtain and retain good oral function, including comfort, phonetics, appearance and health. Treatment can involve restoration of teeth with crowns and laminates as well as replacement of teeth with implants, bridges or detachable prosthetics.


The aim of the education in Oral Rehabilitation is to give the students a broad insight into the main areas of prosthetics, dental defects, tooth loss and toothlessness with regards to scope, significance and treatment options based on the existing evidence. Treatment of jaw and facial deformation is also included in the curriculum. The students are taught to evaluate Danish conditions in an international perspective and evaluate social changes and their influence on oral rehabilitation.

In the clinical setting student must obtain some experience with treatment of larger dental defects (moulded single tooth restorations) and partial tooth loss (implant reconstructions, bridges and detachable prosthetics). Furthermore, they are required to partake in clinical emergency treatment.

The teaching in Oral Rehabilitation, indirect single tooth restorations, begins preclinically during the 5th semester of the Bachelor programme, with an exam after the 3rd semester of the candidate programme. Clinical training takes place during the 6th semester BA and 1st and 2nd semesters candidate. During the 3rd and 4th semesters candidate Oral Rehabilitation is part of the clinical joint education and Implantology.


The subject area’s current research is centred around the reaction of mucosa and bone tissue around dental implants as well as alternative treatments to implant treatment, e.g., plastic retained bridges supported by one or more bridge pillars. There is also ongoing research in digital methods within oral rehabilitation. Other projects include specific, controlled research studies on implant treatment in patients with Sjögren’s Syndrome and patients in high-dosis antiresorptive treatment and some are undertaken in collaboration with the Regional Dental Health Service and Centre for Odontological Expertise, Rigshospitalet. Many projects focus on the effect of treatment on the oral quality of patients.

Course director/contact

Professor Klaus Gotfredsen